
NCDD Winter Session Public Defenders Seminar is a Resounding Success!

Posted by Tom Hudson | Jan 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

The Disney Yacht Club Resort and Conference Center in Orlando

Tom is in Orlando for a few days for the Winter Session of the National College for DUI Defense.  It's a busy session, because the Winter Session is not merely a seminar for the members, but is also when the annual Board Certification Exam is held.  Some of the best DUI lawyers in the country are sitting for the test, which determines who will be board-certified in DUI Defense.  The NCDD is the only organization accredited by the American Bar Association to grant board certification in DUI Defense.

This year, the session was preceded by a day-long seminar for Public Defenders from all over Florida.  The seminar was presented by the college without charge to the attendees, and was organized by Orlando attorney David Katz.  Over 100 Public Defenders from all over Florida attended, and it was amazing to see that by the end of the seminar (at 6pm Wednesday) nearly all of them were still in attendance, despite the fact that some had drives home of as long as seven hours.

Tom spoke on the subject of Jury Selection:  Tips, Tricks and Traps.  There were many in the audience who were returning home to select juries within the next few days, and we hope that we gave them some useful advice that they can put to work right away.

About the Author

Tom Hudson

Known nationwide as a leading DUI defense lawyer, Tom has tried over 350 jury trials, including numerous death penalty cases. He now limits his criminal practice to DUI defense. His civil practice is devoted to getting fair compensation for the victims of negligence. Tom has attained multiple verdicts and settlements in excess of $1 million, and is a Life Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. In 2008, Tom Hudson passed the National Board Certification Test for DUI Attorneys in Honolulu, Hawaii. NOTE: The State of Florida does not yet recognize DUI defense as a Specialty.


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Why We're Different

Board Certification as a DUI Specialist by the National College for DUI Defense. Formal NHTSA Certification as an Instructor of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests given by police in DUI cases. Formal training as a NHTSA Drug Recognition Evaluator. ("Drug Evaluation & Classification") Formal training to operate the Intoxilyzer 8000, Florida's official breath test instrument. Extensive experience in teaching other attorneys how to handle DUI cases. Hundreds of jury trials both as defense lawyer and as prosecutor.

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