THIS FORM IS COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL. Please complete every part it to the best of your ability, and be 100% truthful in every response. The sooner you complete this form, the better your memory will be about the incident and all the important facts surrounding your case. Your detailed answers to these questions will be the primary source of information that we use to evaluate your opportunities for successfully challenging the state's case against you.
Not all questions will apply to you. Just write in NA (Not Applicable) if the question doesn’t reflect the facts of your case. There will be some information that you do not have. However, lack of information greatly impedes our ability to discover winning defenses or jury arguments. The questions we ask may seem repetitive, detailed, or unimportant to your case. They are not. We will regularly refer to your answers to assist us in all phases of your case. All answers will be kept confidential. Please take sufficient time to complete this questionnaire. However, don't delay in returning the questionnaire since time can be an important factor in your case.
Every field is required. If you do not answer, the form will not submit. If you do not receive a "Response Message" after you submit your answers, then your responses have not been submitted. Go back and complete any unanswered questions. The form occasionally skips questions, especially after multiple choice answers.
Once you have hit "SUBMIT," come back up to the TOP of the form to make sure that you see the response message. That way, you will know that your answers have been submitted.